Cresta Dive Centre Malta are our partners for guided fun dives. We first teamed-up in 2018 and have been partners ever since!



They are also famous for nice chats, and fabulous coffee.

And best of all: They are truly wonderful and offer us a discount to support Back to Life.

Cresta Dive Centre is a PADI 5 star dive centre located in St Julian’s, owned by Casey & Charlie. Cresta Dive Centre is a boutique dive centre that keeps things organised, safe and personal. If you are a beginner we have great conditions to start diving in, We offer some of the best wreck and “safe open” cave diving in the Mediterranean. Malta is made up of three small islands (Malta, Comino and Gozo) where we have a vast amount of dive sites to enjoy both by shore or by boat, perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling holidays. Malta has crystal clear warm waters that provide you with shallow points for your first ever dives and PADI scuba diving courses. If you are an experienced diver Malta has an amazing selection of dives at different depths allowing for all levels of diver to be able to enjoy. We keep our diving simple, No large groups, No Tec Dives or Decompression dives done here. We use normal air and keep well within the safe dive times and depths.”

Please check out their Website

“Like” them on Facebook

And follow them on Twitter

A huge and heartfelt Thank You to Charlie and Casey! We are really looking forward to diving with you again!



Das Cresta Dive Centre Malta ist bereits seit 2018 unser Partner für begleitete Tauchgänge.

Zudem sind sie bekannt für nette Gespräche und auch der Kaffee ist berühmt 🙃

Und das Allerbeste? Sie sind super nett und gewähren uns einen Preisnachlass, den wir an Back to Life weitergeben können!

Cresta Dive Centre is a PADI 5 star dive centre located in St Julian’s, owned by Casey & Charlie. Cresta Dive Centre is a boutique dive centre that keeps things organised, safe and personal. If you are a beginner we have great conditions to start diving in, We offer some of the best wreck and “safe open” cave diving in the Mediterranean. Malta is made up of three small islands (Malta, Comino and Gozo) where we have a vast amount of dive sites to enjoy both by shore or by boat, perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling holidays. Malta has crystal clear warm waters that provide you with shallow points for your first ever dives and PADI scuba diving courses. If you are an experienced diver Malta has an amazing selection of dives at different depths allowing for all levels of diver to be able to enjoy. We keep our diving simple, No large groups, No Tec Dives or Decompression dives done here. We use normal air and keep well within the safe dive times and depths.”

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Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Charlie und Casey! Wir freuen uns darauf, bald wieder mit Euch zu tauchen!