This morning during breakfast we realized that we have already passed the half-time mark
for our stay here in Kathmandu,so it is time for a personal resumé, don’t you think?

Carmen and I came to Nepal because we wanted to see the work of the projects we support.
What can we say…
The work that can be done with just a small amount of money is truly mind blowing!

We currently see that every day in the efforts of all the wonderful people at Nepal Orphans Home.
We truly came to love them for all the love and positive energies they spread wherever they go!

We were more than surprised to learn that the Nepalese don’t trust
big and official organizations. “They spend so much money on advertising
and burocracy, but what do we see of all the money they raise?”
Same goes for trusting their own government.
People who lost everything in the quakes were promised financial support
and so far many of those we talked to, received close to nothing….!

Still, they all hope that the government will start to move NOW,
as there is a lot of international pressure and as they can’t put off things any longer.
And YES, you can see re-building efforts!

But the people of Nepal put their real hope and trust in all those little private charities
that they could always rely on in the past!
Let’s repay their trust by continuing to support those charities!
Please believe us, when we “steal” Sanctuary For Kids motto, as YES it is true:
“Little Ripples Make Big Waves!” ESPECIALLY here in Nepal!

The very first time these wonderful kids smiled at us, we just knew, that we have no chance
but to continue doing our little fundraisers and trying to raise attention!
And YES, we are already planning our next volunteering experience!
So, in case you want to join us in our efforts to make a change, please find your own little charity
or join us on Twitter @ActionForS4K and our Facebook-Group ” Action For S4K!”
to support Sanctuary for Kids.

You can find a new slogan all over Kathmandu saying:
“Nepal will rise again!” So let’s all join in and believe…!

In case you want to learn more about how to volunteer, want to join us in fundraising
or simply want to get in touch, please do not hesitate to send us an Email:

Much Love, Bea and Carmen

