After breakfast we took the microbus to get to our placement, SERC.
The school and educational centre for handicapped children.

Those kids are the greatest, really…
So though, so happy, whatever disability they might have!
Once again we assisted with physiotherapy (me) and occupational therapy (Carmen).
It was so cute because some kids already recognized us,
and I think we already made a few „fans“.

One of the bigger boys did not want to do his push-ups until I told him this is good to impress the girls 😉
It was hard to stop him afterwards; and another one just would not stop practicing walking with me…

I spoke to one of the therapists a and Carmen and I decided that the stuffed toys we brought over,
will go to SERC; they can use these to distract the younger kids during their sometimes painful physical therapy sessions!

We had a lovely lunch break at the little restaurant next door.
They make delicious sandwiches. And the prices are more than reasonable as well!

Speaking of food, Kalpana, our house-manager is a brilliant cook!
Already looking forward to tonight’s Chow Mein.

We are currently enjoying a delicious coffee at the Himalayan Java Café in Thamel…
And guess what?! Oh yes, it started pouring down again… Monsoon!
But we will hit the road soon to do some shopping before heading back to Volunteer House…

I guess that we will – once again – hit the cushions pretty early!
As at 05:00 am the latest we will be woken up by the bells of the Ganesh Mandir (shrine) next door..
That is only if the dogs and chicken of the neighborhood don’t start playing up before – aftershock or not…

PS: Our Everest-Flight is booked for Friday,
please join us in crossing our fingers for good weather; if it is pouring again, it will be postponed…

Oh, and we will fly with: