We are really happy to promote our friend Marc’s beautiful and award-winning story “Christmas Nevermore”.

It does not only have an interesting, touching and emotional storyline but is also terribly educational. We highly recommend it for kids, teenagers and adults alike! And the artwork is stunning, too…

PLUS, BEST OF ALL: When you buy a book directly from SRF – make sure you choose the correct link when ordering your copy – ; you help kids around the world! A portion of the book sale proceeds from Christmas Nevermore will benefit “Sanctuary for Kids”.

Storyline: Christmas Nevermore is an inspiring adventure story in which worlds collide, from the villages of the Great North, down to Santa’s secret workshops, and finally to the realm of the Mother of the Sea, a character plucked from Inuit mythology. Readers are guided in their literary travels by orphans Polik and Nika, two young mixed-race Inuit children, who are being raised by their Shaman grandfather, Ikkuma.

The holiday season is approaching and Polik and Nika are filled with excitement. All of the children living in their Inuit village, Akilineq, are anticipating its arrival. But will this be the first time that Santa is unable to deliver his gifts on time for Christmas? Big Oil has been drilling on the outskirts of Akilineq, affecting the residents’ way of life and culture. Even Polik and Nika are noticing the effect this invasion is having on the environment and the once majestic and untouched arctic landscape. When the oil company accidentally begins drilling in the wrong place, a chain of events is set in motion which threatens the life of their grandfather Ikkuma, and the safety of the seen and unseen.

In order to save Ikkuma, the children embark on an exciting, albeit treacherous journey that leads them into a magical underground world they never knew existed directly below them. In the gigantic network of fantastic ice tunnels, hundreds of elves live and work alongside Santa as they prepare for the biggest day of the year. Polik and Nika discover that Santa’s world is melting and recent activity from above is threatening its very existence. Along with the elves, Santa, and a few other unexpected helpers, the children will race against time to reverse the damage done to both worlds and find a way to save their grandfather and Christmas!

Please visit “Christmas Nevermore’s” website to learn more about the authors, the background, the awards….

Christmas Nevermore

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Marc Cadieux hat mit seinen Kollegen ein wunderschönes und lehrreiches Buch geschrieben. Es geht um Familie, Traditionen, Umweltschutz. Alles Themen die uns alle angehen, egal wie alt wir sind.

Deshalb ist “Christmas Nevermore” in unseren Augen nicht nur ein Kinderbuch…

Zusätzlich unterstützen die Autoren mit Teilen des Gewinns “Sanctuary for Kids”.

Auf der Webseite gibt es viele Hintergrundinformationen und ein tolles Video zu entdecken:

Christmas Nevermore

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Leider ist “Christmas Nevermore” bislang noch nicht in deutscher Sprache erschienen, aber was nicht ist…. Daumen drücken!